Demo Videos

Free Demo - Front End

Introduction to HTML
Markup language for creating web pages, defining structure and content.
Introduction to CSS:
Stylesheet language for designing and formatting web page layouts.
Introduction to JavaScript
Dynamic programming language for interactive web functionality.

Free Demo - Back End

Introduction to Java
Versatile, object-oriented programming language for various applications.
Introduction to Spring Boot
Java-based framework for building microservices and web applications.
Introduction to Spring IOC
Inversion of Control principle in Spring for managing object dependencies.
Introduction to Spring MVC
Model-View-Controller framework for building web applications in Spring.
Introduction to Spring DATA JPA
Spring module simplifying data access layer implementation using JPA.

Free Demo - Database

Introduction to SQL
Structured Query Language for managing relational databases.
Introduction to No-SQL
Database systems designed for flexible, scalable data storage and retrieval.

Free Demo - Tools & APIs

Introduction to GIT
Distributed version control system for tracking code changes.
Introduction to Maven
Project management and build automation tool for Java projects.
Introduction to JUnit
Testing framework for writing and running unit tests in Java.
Introduction to Jenkins
Open-source automation server for continuous integration and delivery.

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